Grand National Roadster Show

The GNRS is for the dreamers. The tinkers, the artists, the guys and gals who live with greasy fingers, smelling of gasoline. This isn’t SEMA. This isn’t Car’s and Coffee. You won’t find showroom floor rebuilds here. Many of the vehicles on display are in various stages of their lives. A chopped ‘56 Bel Air may bare raw steel doors one year, only to be painted green with gold flake the year after. Hotrod’s and Custom’s are often never complete. What I love most about GNRS is the personality that shouts from the vehicles. Most builders here treat their rides like family. These are their children, their best friends, their loyal companions. There is a level of respect here not often found.

Book tickets to attend the next show here: Grand National Roaster Show.

Camera: Fujifilm X-Pro2, 18mm f/2 lens.


Into the Damp